Flexcomps’s Weblog


FFDMag had excellent magazine for flash and flex programmers having articles ranging from Beginner Level to expert levels. Just check some of the topics below

  • Flash Flex developer interview with Dave Schroeder about the Flashbelt Conference…
  • BannerSnack – A quick alternative to Flash?…
  • Working With Flash CS4 New Features: Inverse kinematics (IK) with Bone Tool…
  • Tracking Time with Screenweaver HX…
  • Using all the different components within CS4 to built a complete site…
  • Model View Controller – What’s the Secret Sauce… ?…
  • JSFL Quirks…
  • SWX: The Native Data Format for Adobe Flash…
  • An introduction to Flickr In Flash…
  • Flash video and AS3…
  • WebORB tricks…
  • Multi-user Applications in haXe…
  • Achieving a retro-style using only Flash…
  • Secrets of a professional Flash game programmer…
  • Interview with Lee Brimelow…

You can subscribe this magazine from the following link


I have faced a problem when i tried to have a canvas with rounded corner and having an image. I doesn’t want to make the rounded corners in image as the content is going to be scaled. After doing some research on Net i found a good solution to the problem. it is a kind of trick where you put the rounded corner canvas as a mask on your image and it works perfectly :). Following is the code for the same

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
<mx:Image source="../bin-debug/assets/bg.jpg" x="10" y="10" mask="{maskCanvas}" height="80%" width="80%" maintainAspectRatio="false" />
<mx:Canvas id="maskCanvas" x="10" y="10" width="80%" height="80%" cornerRadius="10" borderStyle="solid">

Do remember to create an asset folder having a “bg.jpg” image when trying this solution.

A very nice utility

Sub CreateListOfSheetNames()
Set wkbkToCount = ActiveWorkbook
iRow = 1
With Sheets.Add
For Each ws In wkbkToCount.Worksheets
.Rows(iRow).Cells(1).Value = ws.Name
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Rows(iRow).Cells(1), Address:="", SubAddress:= _
ws.Name & "!A1", TextToDisplay:=ws.Name
iRow = iRow + 1
End With
End Sub

Following is a code to remove a child from a parent by passing it’s instance name as a string and parent as a display object

import fl.controls.Button;

//———– Draw a graphics on the stage ———-
var t:Sprite = new Sprite();
t.name = “testSprite”;
t.x =100;
t.y = 100;

//———– Remove Child Function ————–
function removeChildWithRef(spriteName:String, parentObj:*){
var t:DisplayObject = parentObj.getChildByName(spriteName);

//————- Add  a Button to Stage ————
var tBtn:Button = new Button();
tBtn.label = “Remove Circle”;
tBtn.x = 50;
tBtn.y = 170;

//———— Capture Click Event ————-
function onClick(evt:MouseEvent){

While reading a book i come to a very interesting topic which i would like to share here


By default, The bitmap instances that reference a given BitmapData object are notified every time setPixel32( ) or setPixel( ) is called on that object. When setPixel32( ) or setPixel( ) are used in rapid succession within the same frame cycle—such as when setting the color of every pixel in a bitmap—these notifications can reduce performance. To improve performance, we can use the BitmapData class’s instance method lock( ).

Calling lock( ) on a BitmapData object forces ActionScript to not notify dependent Bitmap objects when executing setPixel32( ) or setPixel( ). Hence, before using setPixel32( ) or setPixel( ) in rapid succession, always call lock( ). After calling lock( ), assign all desired pixel color values; then call the BitmapData( ) class’s instance method unlock( ). Calling unlock( ) instructs ActionScript to notify all dependent Bitmap objects as necessary.

Example below demonstrates the approach. The example uses a loop to assign a random color to every pixel in a 500 × 500 BitmapData object. Notice the call to lock( ) before the loop and unlock( ) after the loop.

Read the rest of this entry »

The following code is solution to a problem where you need to make the accordion component’s MouseOver event to behave like a click event. The code will work only in the case if you have not given the names to the AccordionHeader explicitly. Check the solution out here

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
public function onMouseOver(evt:MouseEvent):void{
var strName:String = evt.target.name;
var strLen:int = String("_header").length;
if(strName.indexOf("_header") > -1){
accordion.selectedIndex = int(strName.substr(strLen,strName.length));
<mx:Panel title="Accordion Container Example" height="90%" width="90%"
paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingBottom="10">
<mx:Label width="100%" color="blue"
text="Select an Accordion navigator button to change the panel."/>
<mx:Accordion id="accordion" width="100%" height="100%" mouseOver="onMouseOver(event)" >
<!-- Define each panel using a VBox container. -->
<mx:VBox label="Accordion Button for Panel 1">
<mx:Label text="Accordion container panel 1"/>
<mx:VBox label="Accordion Button for Panel 2">
<mx:Label text="Accordion container panel 2"/>
<mx:VBox label="Accordion Button for Panel 3">
<mx:Label text="Accordion container panel 3"/>
<mx:Label width="100%" color="blue"
text="Programmatically select the panel using a Button control."/>
<mx:Button label="Select Panel 1" click="accordion.selectedIndex=0;"/>
<mx:Button label="Select Panel 2" click="accordion.selectedIndex=1;"/>
<mx:Button label="Select Panel 3" click="accordion.selectedIndex=2;"/>

The post contains a solution for a case where you need to attach a Library symbol and you have to pass that class name as a string to the function.

The approach followed here is by using the getDefinitionByName utility which interprets the string and convert it into a Class. Then you can use a new syntax with that particular class. Following is a code for the same solution and you can download the source files from here. The “testMC” here is a movieClip in library with the className as testMC and BaseClass as flash.display.MovieClip

import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;

function addMovieFromLibrary(mcIName:String){
var tMC:Class = getDefinitionByName(mcIName) as Class;
var newMc:MovieClip = new tMC() as MovieClip;


You can enable the hand cursor on a MovieClip by defining the following statement

MovieClip.buttonMode = true;

However the solution does not work in-case you have a dynamic textField in that movieclip. To enable hand in this case you have to additionally write the following statement

MovieClip.mouseChildren = false;

The reason is that the mouseChildren property determines whether or not the children of the object are mouse enabled. If an object is mouse enabled, a user can interact with it by using a mouse. The default is true which makes the dynamic textfield interactable and due to the textfield behaviour the flash player does not show the hand-cursor.

Adobe had released the Flash CS4 professional edition at a preorder price of $699. Following are the Some of highlighted features

  • Object-based animation
  • 3D transformation
  • Procedural modeling with Deco and Spray Brush
  • Metadata (XMP) support
  • Authoring for Adobe AIR
  • XFL support
  • Inverse kinematics with the Bones tool
  • Motion editor
  • Motion presets
  • H.264 support

Check here for more details



I have developed this XMLUtility class in conjunction with a CustomEvent Class which returns me the loaded XML/String Data along with the complete event firing. You can download the sources from here. Following is the code you need to write when you want to load this class

//------------ Import Classes
import com.flexcomps.utils.CustomEvent;
import com.flexcomps.utils.XMLLoaderUtil;

//-------- Create instance of loader class
var xmlLoader:XMLLoaderUtil = new XMLLoaderUtil();
xmlLoader.addEventListener(CustomEvent.ONLOADED, onXMLLoaded);

//----- Method to handle the returned data
private function onXMLLoaded(evt:CustomEvent) {
xmlData = evt.data as XML;

April 2024

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