Flexcomps’s Weblog

AS3 Scrollbar component for MovieClip

Posted on: September 15, 2008

Here is a ScrollBar component class. The class takes a movieClip as a parameter and then attach the scrollbar to it. Following is the snapshot of same

Scrollbar component

Scrollbar component

You can download the sources from here

51 Responses to "AS3 Scrollbar component for MovieClip"

Awesome. Definitely will come in handy… You should continue working on it and add other features too.


tks a lot for this

Thx, but it needed a few tweaks before i ยดve used it ๐Ÿ˜‰

Best regards

Thanks a lot for this – very useful!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

like flashman..

thanks a lot !!!
very very useful ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

Thank you for this!

Works perfect and very easy to apply, nice work!

which thing do i adjust so that i can adjust the height of the scrolling area? i cant seem to figure it out. i know anything in the textMC clip will adjust the overall scrolling areas width, but the height, i cant find where to change it, thanks for this easy item..

This works great. Thank you!

I would also like to know how you set the height of the area that you want to scroll. I assume it has to do with the mask but I haven’t figured it out yet. Thanks again!


You can disregard my last comment. I figured out how to extend the scroll area by elongating the track.


Does anybody know how you’d add mouse wheel scrolling to something like this?

Very good to do more as a scroll button work?

First, I want to thank you for the scrollbar component, it works great. I also wanted to add mouse wheel support for it so I added it into the Scrollbar.as file. The code is included below:

In the init() method add this right after targetMC = target

targetMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, wheelScroll);

Then somewhere below add this method:

public function wheelScroll( event:MouseEvent ):void{
var delta:Number = event.delta;

if ( delta dragBot ){
dragHandleMC.y = dragBot;
}else if ( delta > 0 ){
dragHandleMC.y -= arrowMove;
if ( dragHandleMC.y < top ){
dragHandleMC.y = top;

ratio = (targetMC.height – range)/range;
sPos = (dragHandleMC.y * ratio) – ctrl;
targetMC.y = -sPos;

Thanks again!

Sorry, my post got mangled! Trying again:

Here is the eventlistener method:

public function wheelScroll( event:MouseEvent ):void{
	var delta:Number = event.delta;
	if ( delta dragBot ){
			dragHandleMC.y = dragBot;
	}else if ( delta > 0 ){				
		dragHandleMC.y -= arrowMove;
		if ( dragHandleMC.y < top ){
			dragHandleMC.y = top;
	ratio = (targetMC.height - range)/range;
	sPos = (dragHandleMC.y * ratio) - ctrl;	
	targetMC.y = -sPos;			

andrew, your post got mangled again!
please read posting FAQ or something,
and post correct code ๐Ÿ™‚

here’ a link for you, andrew:


I suggest you mean’t something like that:

private function wheelScroll(event:MouseEvent):void
var delta:Number = event.delta;

if (delta < 0){ dragHandleMC.y += arrowMove; if (dragHandleMC.y > dragBot)
dragHandleMC.y = dragBot;
}else if (delta > 0){
dragHandleMC.y -= arrowMove;
if (dragHandleMC.y < top) { dragHandleMC.y = top; } } ratio = (targetMC.height - range)/range; sPos = (dragHandleMC.y * ratio) - ctrl; targetMC.y = -sPos; } [/sourcecode]

I’ve added the code above and put the event listener where Andrew suggested above but mouse wheel scrolling isn’t working. Has anybody managed to successfully add this functionality?


Another way is to use ScrollPane component that already available in Flash CS3 IDE.

Here’s how…

1. Create a MovieClip (I made it 400×400 pix) and name it to whatever you like, for instance, I name it “ScrollableMC”. Then delete it from stage.

2.In the library, find your newly crated MovieClip symbol, right click on it, and choose “Linkage…”. Check a box called “Export for ActionScript”. The name of Class will autometically say “ScrollableMC”. Click “OK” to finish. If there’s a warning about Flash will automatically create class for you, just click OK to that.

3. Drag a component called “ScrollPane” to the stage, and then delete it from stage.

4. Add the code below…. That’s it!

// * import necessary classes
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import fl.containers.ScrollPane;
import fl.events.ScrollEvent;

// * createScrollPane
function createScrollPane(target:Object, xPos:Number, yPos:Number, wSize:Number, hSize:Number):void
var sp:ScrollPane = new ScrollPane();
sp.source = target;
sp.scrollDrag = true;

// * add ScrollPane to a movieclip linkage name “ScrollableMC” from library, then place it on stage
createScrollPane(ScrollableMC, 10, 10, 400, 250);

i did what you told.. and it works.. but i want to remove it when going back to frame 1… the scrollbar is in frame 10…

i made the code:
function myname(e:MouseEvent):void {


at this certain point it dont remove, but it still existing there..

the problem is that scrollpane doesnt got a instance name and i dont know how to give it and instance name when its in the liberary.

in function:
sp.name = “SomeName”;

SomeName.visible = false;

great component! easy to use, well written, easy to customize the ui too.

Appreciate Ton’s reply! that works perfectly!!

i don’t konow why, but Andrew posted function don’t work for me. So i have written my own in wery simple way:

add this line to init method: targetMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, wheelScroll);

and place this function somewhere:

public function wheelScroll( event:MouseEvent ):void{

if(event.delta > 0){
if (dragHandleMC.y > top) {
if (dragHandleMC.y < top) {
dragHandleMC.y = top;
if (dragHandleMC.y dragBot) {
dragHandleMC.y = dragBot;


The correct version:

add this line to init method:

targetMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, wheelScroll);

And this function to the class

public function wheelScroll( event:MouseEvent ):void{
if(event.delta > 0){
if (dragHandleMC.y > top) {
if (dragHandleMC.y < top) {
dragHandleMC.y = top;
if (dragHandleMC.y bottom) {
dragHandleMC.y = bottom;

here is unpossible to paste the code correctly ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

nice scrollbar, I have 2 issues on exploring it,
1. On hold of up or down arrow and release it outside, the scroll continues.
2. I have changed the height of track, On using the mouseWheel getting to bottom and pressing the top arrow or drag handler the scroll finishes to the end but the content has one line left to be scrolled.

Have anyone faced it, pls help me.

sorry, the first one is fixed.
upScrollControl.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, stopScroll);
downScrollControl.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, stopScroll);

if added.

thank you thank you!!! this component totally save my life, I lost so much time trying to get the scrollbar to work, this is just what I needed!


If u have a problem with disappearing first line try changing this line

scrollPos = (scrollFaceMC.y * ratio) – contentY;


scrollPos = ((scrollFaceMC.y – scrollUpMC.height ) * ratio) – contentY;

this is the case when u have your scrolled content on the same level as scroll up arrow.

Wonderful! very straightforward and clean code.

Do you thing I can use your code in my flash projects?

Heys, just wanted to thank you, this has always been something i needed, most of the time ending up making my own wich then just doesnt cut it.

Thanks again!

Just wanted to say thanks for the AS code, reading your code allowed me to understand how to create my own custom scrollbar. It will make a nice addition to my code library.


Have any one added more functionality to it, like scrolling by clciking anywhere on the track, the scroll happens when we click on the track.

Hi Everybody,

Does anyone have any idea how to adjust the position of the drag handle if I move the target MC manually?

I’m trying to have the ability to jump further down the page using a button at the top but when I move the target MC the drag box on the scrollbar remains at the top and if you try to scroll the target MC jumps back to the top and scrolls from there.

I’d appreciate any advice. Thanks!

thanks, it’s so easy and helpful
but can I make it horizontal way ?

Great component! Thanks. ๐Ÿ™‚

How in the hell would the left blue border be connected to the scroll bar. When I delete the border, there’s no longer a scroll bar.

Thanks btw!

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Thanks man,

This saved me a lot of time.

keep up the great work.

Congratulations, your scrollBar component arrived in Brazil, thanks !

does anyone know how to add “click jump” functionality to the bar itself? meaning when you click the bar that the “grabber” will jump to where your mouse is and scroll accordingly.


Thanks a lot!
Simple to use and works great.


Very nice! thank you very much ๐Ÿ˜€ !

i lost the first line too !!
how i fix it ?

Thanks a lot… this was just what i needed…

j’essaye de l’utilisรฉ apres chargement de png ds un clip
que je drag la hauteur des png varie
je n’arrive pas a l’automatisรฉ sur la hauteur quelqu’un a une idรฉe
pourque ca s’arrette pile poil a la fin du png a la fin du masque??

sinon super bien fait
j’aurai kiffรฉ le code .as +commentรฉ
on en veut tjrs + dsl c’รฉst deja exellent

I support multiple png seriatim in a movieclip
they vary in size I can not do that all the images stop at the bottom of the mask

very fine and clear work
I loved having the code.’ve commented more
we always want more good work sorry
if you just helped me thank you in advance

๐Ÿ™‚ thanks from germany

Thank You!

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